My Favorite Shake Recipes

Many of you know that I believe strongly in intermittent fasting. You can read all about how I fast here. For me, fasting has amazing mental and physical benefits. Most days I break my fast with a smoothie. Its fast, efficient, delicious, and I can “eat” my meal while continuing to capitalize on the mental clarity of a fasted morning.

My basic combination is always liquid, protein powder, greens, and if I want a more filling shake, some form of fat, usually a nut butter. For liquids I usually use unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I usually steer clear of dairy but have used oat milk in the past as well. Just be mindful of added sweeteners or extra ingredients that can make your shake more of a treat than a breakfast. My favorite protein powder is always the vegan vanilla shakeology. It is expensive but it has clean ingredients and doesn’t taste like chemicals. I almost always throw in spinach, you can’t really taste it and it adds a bunch of nutrients. If I want something to keep my full for a long time, I’ll add a tablespoon or two of nut butter. My favorites are sun butter (get the version without added oil and sugar) or Santa Cruz organic peanut butter (just peanuts - clean clean clean!).

I wrote out the recipes on these pretty cards so you can just pin the recipe and pull it up when you’re making your shake!

Kendra Alley