How to avoid the Thanksgiving Hangover

Have you ever DM'ed me? The amount of chit-chat I have going on with yall is THE BEST. But it occurred to me, some of you aren’t getting that info (*palms face).

So, Thanksgiving … a lot of you guys are nervous about it. WHY? ENJOY it! You were hard every day to enjoy days like this … so live it up (within reason … com’on we’re not animals). Here are my best tips on how to avoid the Thanksgiving Hangover…

Question: What appetizers should I bring that don’t go straight to the booty?


Vegetable Crudite Example

Vegetable Crudite Example


Why? These are easy to prepare (but look super fancy) and you can fill them with your favorite veggies, healthy fats (nuts & seeds) and lower carb items. You can save the carbs for things like a reasonable portion of mashed potatoes. I love providing up on a variety of dips. I mean, let’s be honest - raw broccoli taste better if it’s covered in hummus (or ranch - this primal kitchen ranch is THE best option and sold almost everywhere if you’re into that kinda stuff).

If you make the dips from scratch you can control the ingredients (btw, guac takes about 13 seconds to make so just do it).

We are in for a treat because my good friend just wrote a blog on how to build a charcuterie board - you’re welcome!


Question: How do I avoid stuffing my face and popping a button?

Answer: it’s easier than you think! If you are like my family … you will eat all day long … multiple plates, multiple naps, followed by too many dessert options.

So, how do you not hef it up? Fill your plate with a hearty salad dish and pump the breaks on two scoops of sweet potato casserole.

Here is what I do. I make a huge plate of salad, adding my hearty salad first (tons of ways to make this- keep scrolling) and place the turkey on top of the salad. My plate is full, so I only have a small area for the other dishes and I allow myself to have small tastes of all of the other items.

My favorite recipe:



Brussel Sprouts

Dried Cranbetties

Grilled Onions

Slivered Almonds

Balsamic Vinegar & Oil (note: not balsamic vinaigrette!) (Lemon & oil go along way too!! )

Another option is to grab a small, dessert-sized plate, and use that as your meal dish! You will consume much less and still feel satisfied.


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I hope you have the BEST day filled with family, love and guilt-free indulging. Don’t forget to check out our Black Friday Deals while you’re watching football :)

And if you’re really feelin’ it today, jump into my 7-day free tryout while you have a couple of days off from work! You won’t regret it - promise!

